Insightful development of personal knowledge for thinking outside the box
Assessment is not an end by itself. It rather serves as means for students’ meaningful learning of necessary course materials and comprehensive development of their individual profiles. Even when assessment “of” learning is supposedly carried out, it should not be done for the sake of ranking students on certain scales and deciding whether they pass or not a given course or high-stake exam. It should be done instead “for” learning and, especially, “as” learning:
- Assessment “of” learning can never be about ascertaining the actual state of students’ knowledge at given time and place, as neuroscience shows it. People knowledge changes while it is being retrieved from memory, and we can only ascertain then what people can do with their knowledge in demonstrable ways. As a consequence, we can only make inferences about students’ knowledge state, inferences that may be relatively valid in certain respects and under certain conditions.
- Assessment is better carried out “for” learning, i.e., for the purpose of mapping the evolution of individual students’ performance against realistic tracks and regulating (changing or reinforcing) means and methods of learning and instruction accordingly.
- Assessment is best carried out “as” learning, i.e., as a learning process whereby students are helped to insightfully evaluate, regulate, and develop their own knowledge so that they may be empowered to think outside the box.
Select Publications:
Time to heed resolutely the alarm raised 35 years ago over an everlasting pandemic in science education. (2020). HPS&ST Newsletter, November, 5-10.
In 1985, we published the two Most Memorable Articles of the year in the American Journal of Physics, raising the alarm over common sense beliefs about physical systems and phenomena that interfere with students’ learning of science and that continue until these days to plague science education like a terminal cognitive pandemic. Critical factors to turn the situation around are discussed in the context of the modeling pedagogical framework. Full Text
SCE Taxonomy of Learning Outcomes. (2017 / 2019).
Assessments, like all other learning tasks, are developed under SCE using proper tools like Item Maps and Assessment Rubrics that rely on a well-defined taxonomy of learning outcomes. This paper introduces the SCE taxonomy and discusses how it resolves certain critical issues in Bloom’s taxonomy. Full text
SCE Taxonomy of Learning Outcomes: Rational Subsets. (2014 / 2019).
Subsets or particular reasoning skills are presented of the five rational facets in the SCE taxonomy (Halloun, 2017/19): analytical reasoning, criterial reasoning, relational reasoning, critical reasoning, and logical reasoning. Full Text
Upholding our conventional exit exams is a crime against students and society. (April 2016). and LinkedIn Pulse.
التمسّك بالامتحانات الرسميّة التقليديّة جريمة بحقّ الطلبة والمجتمع . نيسان 2016
The Lebanese Brevet and Baccalaureate exams (as they are still commonly known) have been around for quite awhile that most people are taking them for granted. Very little research has been undertaken to ascertain the viability (validity, reliability, efficiency, etc.) of these national exit exams and their repercussions on students, teachers, and other stakeholders in the educational community and on the nation at large. However, what is sometimes revealed about these exams and research from around the globe about similar high stakes exit exams provide some indication as to how flawed they are and how grave their repercussions are on various stakeholders.
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Time to abolish high stakes exit exams as we know them. Naharnet, 30 March 2016.
High stakes exams have been around for quite awhile that most concerned people are taking them for granted. These exams come in a variety of forms and scales, and serve diverse purposes like end of program certification, entrance to particular university programs, or induction into certain professions. Research from around the globe shows that high stakes exams have critical viability flaws (validity, reliability, efficiency, etc.) and grave repercussions on students, teachers, and all other stakeholders in the educational community and concerned professional communities. Full Text
Authentic assessment for and as meaningful learning in IAB. (February 2013. Plenary paper). International Exhibition and Forum in Education. Riyadh, KSA. PowerPoint Presentation
Taxonomy and learning outcomes. (March 2012. Plenary paper). Proceedings of ACES conference on Education. Dubai, UAE: ACES.
Under PSE, the 4P profile is reified in various educational fields following well-defined cognitive tenets and pedagogical principles and rules. The profile can be translated in any given curriculum in the form of epistemic, cognitive, behavioral and metacognitive learning outcomes in accordance with a novel taxonomy developed by this author.
Superseded by the SCE taxonomy paper of 2017/2019 above.
Cognitive development and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). (May-June 2010). UNICEF Workshop. Muscat, Oman. PowerPoint Presentation
Authentic Assessment Framework: A Quick Reference. (2008). Beirut: Phoenix series / Educational Research Center.
This document, now superseded by work on SCE, was drafted in 2008 to provide a quick reference to teachers with limited background in authentic assessment. The document came in four sections followed by an appendix on epistemological foundations of science education. The first two sections concisely discussed the role of assessment in curriculum development and implementation, and then more specifically in instructional design and practice. The third section outlined an authentic assessment framework illustrated in the fourth section with examples from science.
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The Lebanese Secondary School Physics Curriculum and Students’ Conceptual Profiles. (2007). Beirut: Phoenix series / Lebanese University.
Lebanese secondary school students’ conceptual profiles in physics are evaluated by comparison to their U.S. peers, in an attempt to ascertain the effectiveness of the Lebanese physics curriculum currently in place. A battery of three instruments were developed and validated to assess student profiles in particular areas of physics. The three instruments were administered to over three thousand Lebanese and U.S. students between 2004 and 2007. Results show that Lebanese students: (a) enter secondary school encumbered with naive conceptual profiles that are at odds with scientific paradigm, (b) fail, after physics instruction, to enhance their profiles and develop them to the level aspired for in the official curriculum, and (c) lag, in most conceptual respects, behind their U.S. peers. Full Text
Authentic assessment for meaningful learning of mathematics. (June & August 2007).
ERC workshops conducted throughout United Arab Emirates for secondary school mathematics teachers and supervisors.
Inventories of Basic Conceptions
The Inventories of Basic Conceptions (IBCs) in physics emerged from the Mechanics Diagnostic Test (AJP, 1985) that was later revised into the Force Concept Inventory. IBCs are designed to ascertain grades 8-16 students’ conceptual understanding of foundational concepts and principles of physics.
An IBC synopsis can be downloaded below, along with the taxonomy of validated Inventories in physics. These Inventories are available upon request to interested teachers and concerned educators.
Inventories of Basic Conceptions (IBC). Synopsis
IBC-Mechanics. Synopsis Taxonomy
IBC-DC circuits. Taxonomy
IBC-General Physics. Taxonomy
To receive a complimentary copy of any Inventory, please fill out the request form below.
Inventory request: Please click here
Select Papers:
Time to heed resolutely the alarm raised 35 years ago over an everlasting pandemic in science education. (August 2020).
In 1985, we published the two Most Memorable Articles of the year in the American Journal of Physics, raising the alarm over common sense beliefs about physical systems and phenomena that interfere with students’ learning of science and that continue until these days to plague science education like a terminal cognitive pandemic. Critical factors to turn the situation around are discussed in the context of the modeling pedagogical framework. Full Text
Inventories of Basic Conceptions. (August 2005). Paper presented at the summer meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Salt Lake City, UT. Synopsis
The search for conceptual coherence in FCI data. [D. Hestenes, co-author]. (1995). Working paper.
A follow up response to concerns raised about the interpretation of FCI data. Full Text
Interpreting the Force Concept Inventory. [co-author with D. Hestenes]. (1995). The Physics Teacher, 33(8), 502-506.
A response to concerns raised about the validity and interpretation of FCI. Full Text
Connaissances d’élèves du secondaire sur la charge électrique. [M.M. Assy, co-author]. (1989). Lebanese Journal of Science & Mathematics Education, 2(1), 8-11.
Un test de diagnostic a révélé que les connaissances des élèves portant sur la nature de la charge électrique et de l’interaction électrostatique ne sont pas satisfaisantes, et que ces connaissances n’évoluent pas significativement au cours du cycle secondaire. Texte Intégral
Compétence en mathématiques des étudiants de physique. (1988). Lebanese Journal of Science & Mathematics Education, 1(2), 21-23.
Une enquête menée avec des étudiants universitaires inscrits à un cours de physique élémentaire a montré que ces apprenants n’ont pas la formation nécessaire en mathématiques en vue d’apprendre les théories fondamentales de la physique et de les mettre en pratique. L’efficacité des cours traditionnels de physique est alors mise en cause. Texte Intégral
Le réalisme naif et l’apprentissage de la physique. (1986). Recherches Pédagogiques, 17, 23-47.
Le Test de Diagnostic de Mécanique a révélé que des étudiants universitaires ont des connaissances naïves à propos du mouvement d’objets réels, et que ces connaissances n’évoluent pas significativement au cours de l’enseignement universitaire de physique. Texte Intégral
The initial knowledge state of college physics students. [D. Hestenes, co-author]. (1985). American Journal of Physics, 53, 1043-1055.
The Mechanics Diagnostic Test (MDT) has been designed and validated to ascertain student conceptual understanding of basic conceptions in Newtonian mechanics. MDT revealed that college students are encumbered with common sense beliefs about motion that significantly affect their performance in physics, and that conventional instruction induces minor changes in those beliefs. Full Text
Common sense concepts about motion. [D. Hestenes, co-author]. (1985). American Journal of Physics, 53, 1056-1065.
Common sense beliefs of college students about motion are discussed and analyzed in relation to Aristotelian and Impetus physics. A taxonomy of common sense conceptions which conflict with Newtonian theory is developed as a guide to instruction. Full Text
The last two articles are Most Memorable Articles of the American Journal of Physics (AJP, 1993, 61, 103-105).
Views About Science / Mathematics Surveys
Views About Science Surveys (VASS) and the Views About Mathematics Survey (VAMS) are developed to ascertain grades 8-16 students views about knowing and learning science or mathematics. Their items follow Halloun’s Contrasting Alternatives rating scale (CArs) . Synopses of CArs and VASS/VAMS can be downloaded below, along with the common taxonomy of validated Surveys. These Surveys are available upon request to interested teachers and concerned educators.
Contrasting Alternatives: An alternative rating scale. Synopsis
Views About Science / Mathematics Surveys (VASS / VAMS). Synopsis Taxonomy
VASS – Physics. Taxonomy
VASS – Chemistry. Taxonomy
VASS – Biology. Taxonomy
VASS – Geology. Taxonomy
VASS – General Science. Taxonomy
VAMS – Mathematics. Taxonomy
To receive a complimentary copy of any Survey, please fill out the request form below.
Survey request: Please click here
Select Documents:
Student Views about Science: A comparative Survey. (2001). Beirut, Lebanon: Phoenix series / Lebanese University.
Lebanese students’ views about knowing and learning science are surveyed and correlated with course achievement and teaching practice. The Views about Sciences Survey (VASS) was revised to this end, and administered to over two thousand Lebanese students enrolled in physics courses of different levels. The revised survey includes items devised following the Contrasting Alternatives rating scale (Cars, then called CAD). By comparison to traditional assessment formats like open-ended, multiple choice and other rating scales, CArs is significantly more reliable for assessing VASS type of views. Data show that Lebanese students share with their international peers, particularly those in USA, common distorted views about science, and that these views correlate significantly with course achievement. Student views are not affected by traditional teaching practices, irrespective of how explicitly teachers might explain the nature of science or spell out specific guidelines for studying physics in conventional settings. Full Text
Interpreting VASS dimensions and profiles. [D. Hestenes, co-author]. (1998). Science & Education, 7(6), 553-577.
Student views about knowing and learning physics have been probed with the Views About Sciences Survey (VASS) along six conceptual dimensions, and classified into four distinct profiles: expert, high transitional, low transitional, and folk. As an aid to interpreting VASS results, this article provides a qualitative analysis of student responses to items within each of the six dimensions and a quantitative analysis of their relation to students’ profiles. Student profiles correlate significantly with physics achievement. Indeed, they may be major determinants of what students learn in physics courses. Full Text
Assessing college students’ views about mathematics with the Views About Mathematics Survey. (1998). Working paper co-authored with M. Carlson & T. Buskirk.
The mathematical views of two samples of university students are ascertained with the Views About Mathematics Survey (VAMS). VAMS is an instrument for assessing and characterizing student views about knowing and learning mathematics. It was administered to approximately 600 pre-calculus and third semester calculus students. Student views are described and compared across course, gender and course grade. Full Text
Views about science and physics achievement. The VASS story. (1997). In E. F. Redish & J. S. Rigden (Eds), The Changing Role of Physics Departments in Modern Universities. Proceedings of ICUPE. 605-614. College Park, Maryland: American Institute of Physics Press.
The Views About Sciences Survey (VASS) is a paper-and-pencil instrument to characterize student views about knowing and learning science and assess the relation of these views to achievement in science courses. VASS shows that: (a) high school and college students have views about physics that often diverge from physicists’ views, (b) student views can be grouped into four distinct profiles: expert, high transitional, low transitional, and folk, (c) profile distributions are similar in college and high school, and (d) student profiles correlate significantly with physics achievement. Full Text
Views About Science Survey. VASS. (April 1996). Paper presented at the annual meeting of NARST. ERIC document ED 394 840 / SE 058 338.
This paper presents the history of VASS, its unique CAD design, its early results (with 8,000 students in 23 states), and some implications for science education. Full Text
Lebanese Public Understanding of Science. (1993). Jounieh, Lebanon: CREST.
A 102 items survey was developed, validated, and administered to about one thousand Lebanese people of different background to ascertain: (a) how interested they are in certain scientific and non-scientific matters related to everyday life, (b) what sources they rely upon to acquire information about such matters, (c) how they would like certain science and technology (S&T) matters to be developed in Lebanon, and (d) their actual knowledge about basic facts, concepts, laws, and methods of inquiry in different scientific disciplines. Results are presented, analyzed, and discussed, and recommendations are made regarding the state of S&T in Lebanon in relation to aspired national development. TOC